#HB5VirtualVoyage: What is the best part of my job?

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I am a marine scientist, with a PhD in international environmental law, and I have been working for over a decade at the science-policy interface. My job essentially consists in helping decision-makers take better informed decisions about ocean conservation.

Here are three aspects that I particularly love about my job:

At the United Nations in New York, © Carole Durussel

I love the purpose of my job. Today’s environmental challenges are complex. To tackle them requires a strong link between science and policy, as science provides the crucial basis to support informed decision-making. In my position, I contribute scientific and technical expertise to the conservation of marine biodiversity in the high seas – which are the marine areas that fall beyond the national jurisdiction of countries. They represent 64% of the global ocean, yet less than 1% of the high seas is protected. In my capacity, I get to contribute to several important ocean-related policy processes, particularly to the ongoing global negotiations for a high seas treaty under the United Nations.

I love the diversity of my job. Another rewarding aspect of my job is collaborating and working with representatives from governments, governmental and non-governmental organisations, industry, as well as scientists, lawyers, economists and diplomats from all over the world. Working with such a diverse group of people means different perspectives that need to be understood and taken into account. It therefore requires a good understanding of different facets of natural sciences, law, geopolitics, and international relations; and I love these constant opportunities to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.

I love the international side of my job. I am very lucky to be able to work with people from around the world, across cultures and different languages. In my current position, collaborating with South America and Africa, I work in four languages – English, German, Spanish and French – and sometimes I even get to add some Portuguese to the mix! Speaking and presenting in the local languages is something that is important to me and also a challenge that I enjoy taking up whenever I can.

And for you, what is the best part of your job? Join our #HB5VirtualVoyage on all social media platforms between 10 November and 3 December 2020 – we would love to hear from you!

About me:

Check out the Storytellers of STEMM podcast episode where I talk about my Ocean Story: https://anchor.fm/storytellersofSTEMM/episodes/52---Carole-Durussel-Marine-Policy-and-Ocean-Governance-ej9nva/a-a369ihd

You can follow me on Twitter: @caroledurussel

You can also contribute to my crowdfunding campaign: https://chuffed.org/project/caroles-leadership-journey-to-antarctica


Fassung auf Deutsch: https://caroletoantarctica.blogspot.com/2020/11/hb5virtualvoyage-was-ist-der-beste-teil.html

Version en français: https://caroletoantarctica.blogspot.com/2020/11/hb5virtualvoyage-quelle-est-la.html

Versión en español: https://caroletoantarctica.blogspot.com/2020/11/hb5virtualvoyage-cual-es-la-mejor-parte.html 

Versão em português: https://caroletoantarctica.blogspot.com/2020/11/hb5virtualvoyage-qual-e-melhorparte-do.html


Homeward Bound (HB) is a global leadership program for women in STEMM set against the backdrop of Antarctica, enabling 1000 women over 10 years to ensure greater diversity at the leadership table. Team HB5 invites you to join our virtual voyage as we share our inspiring STEMM stories, leadership journeys and perspectives to help increase diversity in STEMM for tackling today’s challenges. For more information, visit: https://homewardboundprojects.com.au/HB5virtualvoyage